the Savchenko Situation

Honestly, I can not say what its real for the riders of Kyiv's Metro system, in as much as I am a fan of it's Soviet era efficiency, I am currently clueless, as to what they may be thinking as a group collective. It has often been remarked, that Kyiv is not the real Ukraine, perhaps that is true. I will not disguise my flaws and vulnerability, I am fairly flawed, and a little complicated. Getting attention from the wrong kind of places isn't the best situation to be in. Yet I cannot escape a feeling of morose sadness about those altruistic and perhaps a little alternated people from the mainstream who got caught up on the wrong side of this tiff with Russian Federation and Ukraine. It has certainly not been a brawl, it's been ugly, spooky, hard. It isn't totally about following the money, or determining what power structures are at stake. The bee keeper, or the village accountant as he's known (Former President Victor Yuschenko) , he is like an overseer , ...