Rockabilly , Poltergeist Ukraine !

Certainly, there is a lot of abnormal activity in Ukraine , there is perhaps a whole lot of shacking going on there ! Poltergeist it is perhaps something like what is going on there, or maybe it's something like what is happening in a "Mean spirited town" like Washington D. C. It is going to be some kind of epic ride this year ! maybe the metro transport has missed me, just a little? I had hoped for the chance to reconnect to it recently, and maybe that's actually becoming possible ? Maybe I will become once more a small part of all this random, abnormal activity in Europe's largest Nation . Now if I wear the San Francisco Giant's colors of Black and orange, that is awkward:(. Orange is yesterday's color. White, Yellow, Green are bold, pure & vibrant colors in Ukraine. Maybe Red and Black is OK, if you are into that. ...