Existential Ukraine, or a letter to Santa ?

Existential Ukraine, or a letter to Santa Claus ? It is closing in on 10 years since I made my first phone call in Ukraine. What was it about ? Nothing important . Where did I make the call ? from the Prosecutor's office. Who was the call made to? Nobody important or significant. Why did you make the call from there, at that time? It is not important, and rather a long story I don't care to get into telling. How did you wind up there ? Again, part of a longer story, not worth telling. What was your experience there ? I saw a lot of huge, huge stacks of paper in the offices, trying to get digitized, eventually. Who did you know that got you there ? Again, it's not important. I am only an ex-professional dishwasher, not a spy, just a regular guy. I don't work for any government, or consortium. It is just me. I am simply random ,and definitely unsponsored in my activities. What is your message ? who knows , what I hope to emphasize herein. Did the Christmas letter an...