A Fisherman's Tale ?

However the followers of the situation in Ukraine may perceive things, one is never far from the perception that the other shoe is going to drop. While it seems that Rex Tillerson has made nice with the Folks in Kiev, reaffirmed America's commitment to the recovery of Ukraine's territorial integrity, via the somewhat rough and challenging roadmap to Peace, outlined in the Minsk accords, it's anyone's guess how things can go forward. For one thing, there is still a chance for some masterful swoop towards a conclusion, a cessation of hostility, yet that requires every side to the conflict to reveal , admit their utmost vulnerabilities politically, strategically. That is a questionably tall order for the moment. It perhaps harkens to me, a thought to a remnant of the earlier culture of our grandparents, the TV era, of the 1960's Andy Griffith show, the character of Gomer Pyle , THE naive, SIMPLE MINDED MECHANIC, who barely knew more than how to fi...