to Kill the messenger or hobble the hound ?
Perhaps I am simply gleaning random items I find of interest, off the internet news feeds, I thought it harmless enough to examine the spectrum of recent events and look for patterns: although it is really hard to decipher what transpires at the highest levels of power Some oddly timed events could be worthy of considering within an ensemble . Kim Jong-nam's demise has yet to be attributed to a cause. the Dark Alliance "Kill The Messenger " movie about Gary Webb's investigations of the CIA moving cocaine into Los Angeles to fund rebels in Central America, it feels to me like now some darker dark alliance type force is getting active in preventing the process of investigating convergent complex situations, by active and former government officials who are still trying to play by the rules , or who have retired, but not quite eased back the throttle in their search for a more just and equitable society, while that sounds like Hubris, I think that...