
Showing posts from 2021

Common Ground In Ukraine

 what all people who share what is in common, than what sets us apart. We all want safety, security, opportunity and a semblance of a healthy life style. I am perhaps an outlier, I made many random , apparently non advantageous visits to Ukraine, had bad situations incur upon myself , yet also had amazing, stupendous situations unravel that outweighed the disadvantageous situations. Many losses and few wins, yet the situations that seemed inadvertent became a sub narrative that was irreplaceable. Nadia Savchenko relating her personal experience perspective about Ukraine's participation in Iraq amongst the "Coalition of the Willing" And herself as a soldier of a Nation that surrendered the world's third largest Nuclear Arsenal in History , and she asked me who I was, an American who speaks basic Russian in Ukraine and who doesn't speak basic Ukrainian much at all. I am just me. I have , had been to Crimea, have, had been to Donetsk , Zaporizhia, Eastern Ukraine, Dn

The Woman Who bought The World

I remember a moment in perhaps 2007, 2008, when I was at a bank in Central Kyiv and a woman who was a Yoko Ono Look alike came into the bank depositing a suitcase of cash , easily 100, 200 hundred thousand US dollars. She had body guards, 3 or 4 men with her. Ukraine is a strange place. Due to the Budapest memorandum and the iconoclastic theorem that walking away from Nuclear weapons is more easy (hypothetically) our USA's tax payers have bought into, uprooted Ukraine. Even Lindsey Graham the Republican Hawk has come out of recent meetings saying something like "this is what America has to do, stay the course of history" The Budapest memorandum has been a hugely under reported aspect of the news cycle about Ukraine. For Ukraine it was nearly unthinkable that Russia would attack them , 5, 6., 7 years ago, yet the event transpired, many lives were lost, shattered, there was internal battle, sabotages, foreign intelligence machinations. Ukraine has become something like &quo

who's the man who sold the world ?

  Having been there in Ukraine, well before , during, after  the onset of open conflict with The Russian Federation, I met a man, a Ukrainian man, his name, identity to be withheld > He is not the man who sold the world, but maybe like the man who saw the selling of the world. He had been to the White House to discuss disarming the , what was it? 5,500 or 6,500  Soviet Nuclear Warheads/ Bombs. Ukraine did not have the arming codes for the weapons, but they held the weapons in the early 1990's after the fall of Soviet Union. As we in the West often reference the idea, Possession is like 9/10ths of ownership. Often I sense this parable that a lot of Americans would not easily grasp. That Ukraine underwent a forced Communization/ collectivization, also a  Holodomir (mass starvation) and they somehow as a population had to deal with it, work with something that they did not like, some horror thrust upon them, and this was a horror for them , also a  scenario thrust upon the Russian

A Black Sea Swan Song?

Everyone knows that the CIA with-held evidence in the Russia Probe, most likely to protect sources   There has been some speculation that Russian Military buildups would result in an attempt to take a land bridge to Crimea and potentially that includes opening the Crimea Irrigation  canal. Yet such a move would stop Nordstream 2 and result in potentially worse economic and political ramifications for the Russian Leadership. It would be an ugly bloody battle. Possibly involving a feint breakout move towards Kharkiv that looks half serious as a  distraction, and then a blitz from the South , as there really aren't very substantial defensive elements between Crimea and Berdiansk, it's mostly flat and level with no fast roads to get there from Central Ukraine. Make no mistake my fellow American friends , readers that the Crimea annexation, green Men Invasion involved years of planning. The possibility of Russian forces taking control of Crimea by force inflamed debates in the Ukrai