
Showing posts from July, 2020

A Long time Coming to understandings of things

Ukraine and Russian people are great people, they overcame so much shit my great Grandmother, my favorite quote of hers was about having to wash "dirty, shitty jeans" and we, our family were bootleggers, train hoppers, trouble makers no doubt yes, I was there. It is in the history books. But what is that really ? An anecdote? I guess it is true, if one is a watcher of my occasional blog about Ukraine, this is off beat, perhaps a random mention. I was poking around in Netflix tonight. Netflix is a corporate entity, yet their marketing will promote whatever people like. yet I came across this Drama Documentary  Patriots Day it is "Cheesey" gratuitous yet perhaps relevant according to a time table, like a setting of a stage of conflict between Russia, USA, etc. Most people in USA, maybe 99% still have unformed perspectives about Ukraine's and Russia's conflict, regarding Chechens, Chechen militants. I cannot quite now did up the clips, but Chechen mi