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as we start into the final round of voting in the presidential elections in Ukraine Today , we should simply accept that there is dirt on the dirt spreader's hands, and there is dirt that makes the dirt flinger do their dirty work. Aside from Ukraine having given up the World's third largest Nuclear Arsenal in the middle 1990's, Ukraine does still possess what I have heard is close to 60% of the world's best agriculturally arable "Black dirt" This equation that was used against Ukraine, the taking of food from them, under Communism , to support the Soviet State, it can be inverted, potentially against Russia's aggression. Geographically, she is the largest country in the New Europe Yet the rapaciousness, of the looting of monetary resources, multiple resources from Ukraine, it's stupendous. I always had heard that the beautiful young people of Ukraine, Dnipro had gone to fun party scenes in Cyprus, where they played with their friends i...