Be No Rain

Presidential candidate Volodymyr Zelenskiy. I am motivated to feel positive thoughts about it, yet I'm missing feeling the mood on the Metro, bumping into my friends on the bus and on the street. Western life is so socially aseptic these days...I miss that peaceful, easy feeling of Ukraine. Despite the aspect of a terrible war, there was unity and a collective vanguard of mutual supportiveness. It's possible that I bumped into the guy (Zelenskiy ) in 2012 or something like that, at the base of the steps where people smoked Ciggies , outside of a small popular bar called "Reporter " in Dnipro . I remember this guy (that looked, sounded like him) trying to figure me out, he made a rather uncouth reference about women in general, to which a lady responded "I know English, and I am not a (Russian female person of dubious character). I certainly remember the moment and several other moments with various people from that bar. Mister Zelenskiy be...