The Devil's got a new pair of shoes

I recently (last summer) had a chance to chat one to one in the reality with Jorma Kaukonen, (of the Jefferson Airplane ) he just said to me that it's too risky to mess around with this stuff, better to stick with the music thing, yet I cannot totally affirm that this is true or deny it Or, the Little Tugboat that maybe steered a pretty brave course, on that Parquet dance floor of the Devil ? It its far from absurd, the notion that a modest tugboat could be the catalyst of a global conflict. That's why Ukraine is interesting for me. Yet no media seems to have picked up the thread that I am currently most interested in, vis a vis Michael Cohen's admission that he fudged his congressional testimony about the Trump Organization's plans to build a tower in Moscow up until June of 2016. While the world is notably consternated by the atrocious murder of Jemal Kashoggi in Turkey, I'm still trying to ask the basic question of WHO KILLED PAVEL? It now seems possibl...