The Slowly Sinking Bridge from Russia:

In the last week or two, some analysis was posted on the InfoResist site about the engineering of the bridge across the Kerch Straight from Russia to Crimea. While the article is quite long, technical in respects, it's quite readable and actually a bit humorous. The pile foundations of the bridge will succumb to shifting, sinking. All the due diligence of such an expensive investment was not performed correctly, the firms responsible for the soils , geotechnical analysis had net valuations on paper of 150 US $ or something like that. Russian state standards for construction in sediment were arbitrarily changed to fit the result of the construction. Vast sums of money were likely pocketed for work that either wasn't done, or was so cursory and mismanaged, it might not have been worth doing any of it. almost like they took a wild guess, a leap of faith into a chasm of absurdity. And what about the curator of the Ukraine Library in Russia? what became of her ?? It is a...