
Showing posts from September, 2018

The Wild, Wild East.

I noticed some changes in these couple of days; I took a breather and did a vague reality check. I guess it's all good, the Hurricane downgraded in the Carolinas, a lot of rain that we could use out West here, if it fell right.  Harrison Ford did his fairly great cameo appearance/ speech at the Climate Change summit, traffic in Babylon By The Bay (San Francisco ) was super messed up, our Millennium tower sank and tilted just another slight half millimeter. Small problems for rich people: Theater photo is from Crimean territory, maybe late 2012/13 in the town of Sudak. And what will happen with Mister Kavanaugh's confirmation process today for the United States Supreme  Court  ? Anybody's guess. A lot of news about the environmental catastrophe in Crimea, my guess is that they shifted the production at the factory to something else, possibly military armaments or something like that. Russia is not winning the battle of the hearts and minds in the occupied territory...

the Novichok Distraction, or a Black Hole in the Backyard.

Most pundits speculate an ongoing conflict that can only resolve itself through economic and social reconstruction in Ukraine that favors good government and free market principles. It is uncanny the way that the USA news cycle is being driven via referencing about Ukraine for the last 2 years: As an indirect example,  of the complicated media narrative today,  about the  Benghazi incident in Libya , I can reference a direct source that assets were acquired , property, real estate in Central Ukraine by persons , entities directly affiliated with the Libyan Government (Many years ago). This was information about Libyan investments into Ukraine via a one to one, private conversation, with a Ukraine person directly connected with the transaction of these strategic and mundane property assets; this other person was not  wanting any thing from me, just being a friendly host. There are many layers inside the onion. It is possible that Benghazi was not planned and or...