There's a new guy in town ? or I need help with Doing the math on Ukraine .
broken industrial mechanisms do have the ability to spring to life, I am keeping on, keeping on with the faith that they can, sorry as it's way too long a post and I've update it with some more current events. While one can certainly piss upon this thought, that "it's about the music" who is to stop us from thinking that ? If it is bad music played by great musicians, it is still bad music. If it is great music played by bad musicians, it is still badly played music . Now I am neglecting my real work here, not that I am afraid of it, but perhaps that I have to hedge my future both ways ? as it stands the last time I checked, I am still unsponsored, and washing dishes is starting to sound more profitable, than creating fantasy about Ukraine's future potential. Honestly, I could be wrong but maybe I am the sole entity who writes regularly about Ukraine, who actually knew the manager of the Rolling Stones, so of course, I am biased both ways : for Ukraine, it...