
Showing posts from June, 2017

The Conversation RE: Disco, Techno, Cold War II

Leo Tolstoy's quote seems to fit quite handily herein:  "The Two Most powerful warriors are patience and Time." It'll be a bad movie, anyway it gets written, but this Cold War sequel could   Blow the Box Office expectations out of the Water . The ill-informed, often  coldly disingenuous actions of each side, backlit by the promulgation of "The media Chorus " for each side,   there is a   politically  correct Historical narrative.   There could easily be some sort of Cameo by Woody Harrelson harkening to the 1994 Dark Comedy , "Natural Born Killers" this post is of course opinion, conjecture, fiction with some facts in the blend:  trust what you know. RE, the shortly upcoming testimony of Mister Jeff Sessions (Jeff is my Pizza ordering name , for some reason I always wished my name had been something like Jeff, life could have gone so much easier for me) -Jeff Sessions will show a tell, but he won't tell much that we don't alr...