Las Vegas Novosibirsk State University

Debate coverage goes live from the Political sciences building at Novosibirsk State University Federalization for Ukraine won't be at the top of the Presidential debate agenda, as the same variant is not allowed to be reviewed for discussion in the vast Federation now also holding unwilling Tatar communities that are being harrassed by Crimean occupation forces, China will continue it's stealthy maneuverings about the sidelines via it's covert hegemonial economic expansionism, and who is to blame them for wanting what America had in the 1950's ? I'm sure the electoral magnetic spectrum will be bristling with various measures and counter hacking measures in Las Vegas tomorrow, and for Ukraine, it's future continues to hang in the balance. A Trump victory will create an ominous configuration for the stratified Socio-Economic- defense model Ukraine has built up post Euro Maidan. RUssian and Ukraine's best card sharks will face off in late night encounters...