It is still a David Versus Goliath story/ Choke off Russian Oil and Gas sales as soon as it is remotely possible, kindly please.

Attached is a photo of mine, fresh off the airplane, mid December, 2013. I actually had no idea a total revolutionary process was underway there, I just stumbled into it It is hard to say if the taint of Western Vulture Capitalism will swoop quietly in to enable Russian Bond payments, for the sake of richer spoils on the back end of the war in Ukraine. It could be a bad bet, a Karmically bad good bet. I sure would not want to be a part of saving the Russian elite's bacon for a paltry 20 or even 50% potential profit. The war making in Ukraine is being horrendously executed by the war making forces of Russia , and it's only likely going to get worse. I actually know most of these recent news making places, for in my earliest times exploring Ukraine, I went to the Eastern part. It was only in the latter days of exploring Ukraine that I checked out a bit of the Western part. I know Odessa, Dnipro, Zapporizhia, Melitopol, Simferopol , Sevastopol, Alushta, even Saki (slightly Famou...